Click A Mart
Click A Mart was conceived by two entrepreneurs who wanted to bring both quality products and business opportunities to the world.
We started Click A Mart as an e-commerce platform to provide our customers with the best products money can buy at the best prices we can find. We stand behind all our products and so do our manufacturers and inventors.
In our search for electronic devices, gadgets, health and wellness products and apparel, we came across an innovative new business model that is spreading like wildfire.
You can purchase products we help create or you can become a part of our ‘Launching, Branding, Building Community’ and help other entrepreneurs and inventors make a start with a huge splash.

The Online Destination
Our e-commerce store allows you to get a peek into how our business and our other business ventures operate.
Through the links below you can find out more about all of our options. We’ll get you information about launching your own products, receiving lifetime royalties on products invented and manufactured by us, and how to get into the massive CBD market.
Find out More!
Click A Mart participates in a model that allows us to collaborate with multiple companies under a single umbrella. We are a reseller for (among others) a funding organization. Our funding organization is a “Launching, Branding, Building Community”, a crowdfunding source and an incubator for startups. We raise capital for startup projects we really like, leveraging other crowd funding platforms including KickStarter and IndieGoGo. We then help brand and market the inventors whose product ideas are turned into manufacturing wins. We also promote the products using social media platforms to further leverage branding and marketing. Creating early sales through other outlets such as trade shows, fundraisers and (of course) e-comm websites like ours, we ultimately place the products in retail stores and Amazon. We leverage platforms that are already successful to promote our startups.
By placing the products in retail outlets and on-line carts, we are taking advantage of the $27 Trillion retail space. This means we are not limited to direct sales or the sales of our personal team as would be the case with multi-level marketing retailers. And we get tons of feedback on our products to help us improve them. Here’s the kicker! We as members of the community earn royalties on all sales for a given inventor who becomes part of the community for the life of the product. We support them, they support all of us who are part of the community. The payout in royalties is a percentage of the retail price on EVERY sale no matter who makes the sale anywhere in the world.
Our platform? Walmart, Amazon, e-comm stores, trade shows, and fundraisers everywhere. Whenever a sale is made, the community gets paid.
The benefits:
- No ‘Recruiting’
- No ‘Auto Shipping’ of product to you every month
- No quotas
- No monthly ‘volume flush’
- No annual renewals
Everything we do adds to our previous work. ‘We’ being the operative word. We participate in the early purchases and fundraising, subsequent marketing, branding and sales. This is a collaborative effort. Your action helps me, my actions help you if you become a part of the community. It’s as if we have a huge team of ‘volunteer’ sales and marketing reps acting on behalf of all the products we produce and sell. All our reps and members participate in royalties by purchasing product at retail and selling it at wholesale or by contributing to the fundraising effort with outright purchases. It’s the best investment you can make in your future.
Come Join us on our adventure!
Our Founders
Jill Watson
Jill is a serial entrepreneur, a marketing guru and a connector. She has helped create and fund a number of small and large projects
Duane Bentzen
Duane is also an entrepreneur, and performs the technical magic behind the scenes. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…